Saturday, September 20, 2014

Accommodation - Our Moravian Duty

Reconciliation is always important! God has reconciled each one of us to Him through the blood of our Chief Elder, our Savior Jesus Christ. So, too, each one of us must be reconciled with one another. United Alaska Moravian Ministry Group (UAMM) will meet in General Church Conference on September 19-20, 2014 in Anchorage, Alaska and discuss reconciliation with anyone that needs reconciliation in their hearts, personally, local church, or denominational.
UAMM is a ministry group approved by the Unitas Fratrum in November 2012 and its Moravian status was again reaffirmed, globally, at the Unity Board meeting in Tanzania, Africa in May 2014. UAMM’s home church, the Anchorage Moravian Church is noted for its traditional Moravian liturgical services in the morning on Sunday, but during its non-denominational services on Sunday night, it has a worship style that accommodates testimonies and song in Singstunde format. Brief messages from God’s Word is presented and at the end of the service, folks are prayed for as the Spirit moves.
From what I have learned a long time ago, as Moravians, no matter where we are from throughout the world worship differently, and should have the freedom to do so. But importantly we must always remember, God is a God of Order, not disorder. So often when conflict comes it comes from within because of “disagreements on worship styles, especially with indwelling of the Holy Spirit”.
From what we have heard in Anchorage, Alaska from UAMM’S General Church Conference of March 28-29, 2014, and from UAMM’s Advisor from Denmark – The Rev. Dr. Jorgen Boytler, “Moravians are known to be accommodative and accept different worship styles.” Br. Jorgen goes on to say that when renewal happens in the Moravian Church it can cause division within the Church. Not all appreciate the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Be careful not to judge the other church. This issue is happening Worldwide in a lot of churches, not necessarily just the Moravian Church”. Then Br. Jorgen said, “Be open to one another and accommodate different feelings!
Moravians in Alaska and Moravians from throughout the world as Moravian, indeed should aways be open to one another and accommodate on another and practice the Moravian motto – In essentials unity, in non-esssential liberty, but in all things love.
UAMM’s deliberations this week in Anchorage, Alaska with input from The Rev. Isai Granwell Nuth, former president of Honduras Moravian Province, should prove fruitful in the Kingdom of God and in our southcentral area of Alaska. And as Moravians may we always accommodate one another, no matter where we come from.